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Domaine Fouassier

02 48 54 02 34
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Domaine Fouassier
  • 180 avenue de Verdun
    18300 Sancerre
  • 02 48 54 02 34
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Biodynamic Viticulture in Sancerre (18), Cher

A Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Production

Biodynamics, what is it?

Considered as an organic practice, biodynamics is characterized by taking into account astral influences and the rhythms of nature. Its goal is to rebalance and revitalize plants and treat them using homeopathic-style plant preparations.

Introduced in 1924 to address the concerns of farmers who were already seeing their land in danger, biodynamics is a method of cultivation that goes beyond simply excluding the use of synthetic chemicals.

It can be summarized in the following three points:

  • Enhancing the soil and the plant
  • The application of preparations at specific times
  • Soil work through plowing and tilling

Biodynamic viticulture allows Domaine Fouassier to cultivate its vines in a healthy and environmentally friendly manner to produce excellent wines.

vendanges vignoble Sancerre
Sancerre vineyard

The family estate in Sancerre (18) is considered a living organism. The cultivated soil is a source of life and energy for the plant, just as its aerial environment is.

Thus, the vine, as a mediating organism, creates and nourishes its terroir in this inhabited and living environment that envelops the roots. The exchanges between the soil biology, its root and leaf system, allow the terroir to be expressed in the grapes. The flavors of the grapes are enhanced by this process.

Biodynamics in Viticulture

vignoble Sancerre

Respecting the traditions of biodynamics

Always in pursuit of the best expression of terroir, your Sancerre producer has turned to organic and biodynamic agriculture.

Terrestrial and Lunar Rhythms

Vineyard work is carried out according to the lunar calendar.


These come from transformed plant, animal, and mineral materials and must undergo dynamization before spraying.

Other Treatments

In case of pests, we intervene to assist the plant with herbal teas, infusions, or homeopathic dilutions of plants and, if necessary, natural products like Bordeaux mixture and sulfur flower.

Domaine Fouassier The Culture of Excellence

Discover our Sancerre wines during a tasting directly at our vineyard in Cher (18) near Bourges. Benoit and Paul will be at your service to share their passion with you.

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